Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

The Historical Course of the Liturgical Language in the Serbian Orthodox Church

dc.creatorРанковић, Зоран
dc.description.abstractНамера је да се у овом раду представи историјски ход богослужбеног језика Српске Православне Цркве. Старословенски језик први црквени језик Словена, самим тим и Срба одржао се у богослужбеној традицији Српске Православне Цркве од почетака словенског богослужења све до данас. У том дугом временском распону тај језик пролазио је само кроз редакцијско прилагођавање гласовном систему српског језика.sr
dc.description.abstractThe intention of this paper is to present the historical course of the liturgical language of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Serbs received Slavic worship in the first literary language - Old Slavonic - during the 10th or early 11th century. Serbs could only pronounce the Slavic language they received with Slavic worship in the spirit of their national language. That was the beginning of the Serbianization of the oldest language of the church of the Slavs in the Serbian-speaking area, i.e. the Serbian recension of the language of the church, the so-called Serbo-Slavonic language, began to be created. This Serbian ecclesiastical and literary language was in use by Serbs until the middle of the 18th century. After the great migration of Serbs under Arsenij III Carnojevic in 1690 and the move to the regions in the north of the Sava and the Danube, there was Serbian-Russian cultural cooperation and there was the opening of a Slavic school in Sremski Karlovci in 1726, and the Serbian-speaking environment acquired Russo-Slavonic language. In the Serbian language environment, the Russo-Slavonic language had been adapted to the Serbian language to a certain extent. In that way, the Serbian redaction of the Russo-Slavonic language, known to Serbs as the Church Slavonic Language, was created. In today's practice, worship occurs both in Church Slavonic and in
dc.publisherНови Сад : Филозофски факултетsr
dc.publisherБачка Паланка : Српска православна Црквена општинаsr
dc.publisherБеоград : Институт за савремену историјуsr
dc.sourceЗборник радова - III Научни скуп "Српска Православна Црква: изазови и искушења кроз историју"sr
dc.subjectСрпска православна цркваsr
dc.subjectстарословенски језикsr
dc.subjectсрпскословенски језикsr
dc.subjectцрквенословенски језикsr
dc.subjectсрпски језикsr
dc.subjectSerbian Orthodox Churchsr
dc.subjectOld Slavonic Languagesr
dc.subjectSerbian-Slavonic languagesr
dc.subjectChurch Slavonic languagesr
dc.subjectSerbian Languagesr
dc.subjectecclesiastical worshipsr
dc.titleИсторијски ход богослужбеног језика Српске Православне Црквеsr
dc.titleThe Historical Course of the Liturgical Language in the Serbian Orthodox Churchsr



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