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On Some Characteristics of the Religious Style in English and Serbian Languages

dc.creatorКнежевић, Иванаsr
dc.description.abstractУ раду се наводе неке од основних лексичких, граматичких, синтаксичких и ортографских карактеристика религијског стила. Анализом извесног броја радова на енглеском и српском језику из области теологије и православне духовности издвојили смо и, где је било могуће, упоредили лексичка средства којима се сваки од ова два језика служи да би истакао, а у процесу превођења и апроксимативно пренео, стилске специфичности текстова ове области.sr
dc.description.abstractThis article deals with one of the newer issues in the domain of the functional stylistics, i.e. with the new member in this group - religious style, church style or sacral functionalstylistic complex, as different linguists tend to name it. It has been recently suggested to introduce and analyze it, since religion has also been one of the forms of social consciousness. Following some of the recent studies we have listed some of the characteristics of the language that has been used in the church and in scientific theological writings. The religious style is considered a closed system existing in both written and oral language code, and as such it has some distinguishable language characteristics considering syntax, grammar lexis, orthography, etc. Bearing in mind the lexical characteristics of the religious style Bugaeva mentioned, we have analyzed certain theological and texts dealing with the Orthodox Church in both English and Serbian languages trying to point out at some specific lexical means that each language uses. Comparing them, where it was possible, we attempted to underline the similarities and differences in their use in order to 'transfer as close as possible' their stylistic characteristics in the process of their translation. We have tried to stress the importance of further and more detailed analysis of the characteristic of Serbian language in this part of its social role. It is necessary not only in theoretical but it would also have its practical impact, since in the process of translation of scientific theological and church texts not only their context but also its stylistics value should be properly transferred.en
dc.publisherМеђународно удружење "Стил", Београдsr
dc.subjectтеорија превођењаsr
dc.subjectстилске фигуреsr
dc.subjectрелигијски стилsr
dc.subjectконтрастивна анализа енглеског и српског језикаsr
dc.subjectфункционална стилистикаsr
dc.subjectцрквени стилsr
dc.titleО неким карактеристикама религијског стила енглеског и српског језикаsr
dc.titleOn Some Characteristics of the Religious Style in English and Serbian Languagesen
dc.citation.other(8): 65-76



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