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Towards the Sacral Orthographic Norm Capital Letter Wiriting in Strictly Scientific Substyle of Religious Style: Examples from the Texts in Serbian and English Languages

dc.creatorРанковић, Зоран
dc.creatorКнежевић, Ивана
dc.description.abstractOvaj rad bavi se pitanjima odstupanja ortografske norme u sakralnim tekstovima od standardne pravopisne norme srpskog i engleskog jezika u pojedinim slučajevima upotrebe velikog slova pri pisanju određenih zajedničkih imenica, zamenica, činova svetosti, titula sveštenih lica, eklisionima, ikonima, i sl. Cilj ove analize je da se sagledavanjem i utvrđivanjem tipologije odstupanja pristupi, teorijski i praktično, uspostavljanju ortografske norme u teološkim naučnim tekstovima. Analiza tekstova strogo naučnog podstila religijskog stila izvršena je komparativnim pristupom i metodom. Odstupanje od ortografske norme ali i nedoslednosti kada je u pitanju upotreba velikog slova u pisanju izvesnih reči u većoj meri zastupljeni su u srpskom jeziku nego što je to slučaj u engleskom. Međutim, odluka o upotrebi velikog slova koja odstupa od opštejezičke pravopisne norme je i stvar ličnog autorovog opredeljenja i
dc.description.abstractThe essay deals with the issues of the orthographic deviation in sacred writings from the standard orthographic norm in Serbian and English languages considering the use of uppercase letters in common nouns, pronouns, religious honorifics, names of icons (iconyms) and names of churches (ecclesionyms), etc. The aim of this analysis is to propose the orthographic norm for theological scientific works by determining the cases of this deviation. The comparative method has been applied in analyzing of the texts belonging to the strictly scientific substyle of the religious style. There is a specific use of uppercase letter writing in theological texts which does not comply fully with the orthographic norm. There is certain inconsistency in applying uppercase letters in the theological scientific works in both Serbian and English languages. It concerns the use of uppercase letters in writing certain common nouns, pronouns (not only personal, but also possessive, demonstrative and relative pronouns relating to Christ, Mother of God and the Holy Trinity), theonyms, attributes in the names of saints, church ranks, ecclesionyms, iconyms, names of administrative church units, names of the members of different religions. The cases of the deviation from the orthographic norm, as well as of the inconsistency in the use of uppercase letters in writing of certain words occur more frequently in Serbian than in English language. The use of uppercase letters is conditional, i.e. it is influenced by the author's perspective towards the problem he deals with and the connotative dimension. The uppercase letter marking is facultative and even in the strictly scientific works of theology it can be applied as means of expressing emotion and personal
dc.publisherBeograd : Fokus - Forum za interkulturnu komunikacijusr
dc.sourceKomunikacija i kulturasr
dc.subjectortografska normasr
dc.subjectsakralni ortografski standardsr
dc.subjectnaučni stil teologijesr
dc.subjectstrogo naučni podstilsr
dc.subjectsrpski jeziksr
dc.subjectengleski jeziksr
dc.subjectorthographic normsr
dc.subjectsacral orthographic standardsr
dc.subjectscientific style of theological workssr
dc.subjectstrictly scientific substylesr
dc.subjectSerbian languagesr
dc.subjectEnglish languagesr
dc.titleКа сакралном ортографском стандарду - писање великог слова у строго научном подстилу религијског стила : примери из текстова на српском и енглеском језикуsr
dc.titleTowards the Sacral Orthographic Norm Capital Letter Wiriting in Strictly Scientific Substyle of Religious Style: Examples from the Texts in Serbian and English Languagessr



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