Приказ резултата 1-20 од 30

      Aspects of the Problem of Time According to St. Maximus the Confessor [1]
      Bread and Wine as Eucharistic Sacrifice [1]
      Church in England in 8th century - Theological and Historical Implications of the Relationship With Rome and Frankish Empire [1]
      Genesis 2, 4b - 3, 24 in the Light of Acadian Literature [1]
      Historical-Canonic Aspects of the Relation Between Karlovac Ecclesiastical Authority of Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and Moscow Patriarchate [1]
      Liturgical-Historical Analysis of Cults of Serbian Saints in the Metropolitanate of Karlovci in 18th Century [1]
      Ontology and Ethics in the Light of Christology of St. Maximus the Confessor [1]
      Reception of Old Testament in Ascetic Literature of Early Church in Egypt [1]
      Scientific Style of English and Serbian Languages in the Field of Theology [1]
      Terminology of Greek Mysteries and Its Justification in Christianity [1]
      Territory and National Identity as Factors of Canonical Jurisdiction in Twentieth-Century Russian Theology [1]
      The Function of Cathedral Rite Elements in the Contemporary Form of Worship of the Orthodox Church: Liturgiological Analysis [1]
      The Primacy of the Bishop of Rome in the Writings of J.-M.R. Tillard Possibility of Reception Tillard’s Theology of Primacy in the Dialogue Between the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church [1]
      The Terms Soma and Sarks in the Context of Forming the New Testament Anthropology: Historical, Semantic and Comparative Analysis [1]
      Аспекти проблема времена код Св. Максима Исповедника [1]
      Историјско-канонски аспекти односа Карловачке управе Руске заграничне Цркве и Московске патријаршије [1]
      Књига Постања 2, 4б - 3, 24 у светлу акадске литературе [1]
      Литургијско-историјска анализа култова Срба светитеља у Карловачкој митрополији XVIII века [1]
      Научни стил енглеског и српског језика у области теологије [1]
      Онтологија и етика у светлу Христологије светог Максима Исповедника [1]