Приказ резултата 1-20 од 617

      "Greek Passage" (2 Tim 1:12): Anyone Who Follows Whom in the Pastoral Epistles? [1]
      "Greek passage" (2Tim 1,12): Wer verfolgt wen in den Pastoralbriefen? [1]
      "I Will Set Up a Lamp for My Anointed One…" (Ps 131/132, 17): Light Offering in the Christian Worship [1]
      "Traditionless Superstition": Historical Novelty and the Early Christian Apologetics [1]
      "Припремићу светиљку Помазанику моме…" (Пс 131/2, 17) - принос светлости у хришћанском богослужењу [1]
      'Представљајући' аспекти појма diakonia [1]
      A Sermon by St. Evtimiy of Trnovo on Tsar Constantine the Great in a Serbian Codex [1]
      Aachen - New Rome, New Constantinople? [1]
      Abortion Culture in Serbia Bioethical, Religious and National Aspects [1]
      Adaptation of Lexis of Church-slavonic Origin in Academic Theological Works in Serbian and English Languages [1]
      After Fifteen Years - Reflections on the Law on Churches and Religious Communities in the Republic of Serbia [1]
      Anaphora: Exaltation or Offertory? [1]
      Ancient Greek as a Language for Specific Purposes in Education of Teachers of Theology [1]
      Anglo-Saxon art. Chronology, Influences, Perspectives [1]
      Antropology of the Saint Apostle Paul [1]
      Apocatastasis and Predestination Ontological Assumptions of Origen’s and Augustine’s Soteriologies [1]
      Apokatastaza i predestinacija Ontološke pretpostavke Origenove i Augustinove soteriologije [1]
      Aspects of the Problem of Time According to St. Maximus the Confessor [1]
      Aspects of the Transformation in the First Sign of Jesus Christ (John 2:1-11) [1]
      Aspekti transformacije u prvom znamenju Isusa Krista (Iv 2,1-11) [1]