Putnik, Noel

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  • Putnik, Noel (1)
  • Путник, Ноел (1)
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Сучељена схватања телесности у антици

Вешовић, Милосав; Путник, Ноел

(Универзитет у Београду - Православни богословски факултет, Београд, 2023)

AU  - Вешовић, Милосав
AU  - Путник, Ноел
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://rpbf.bfspc.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/294
AB  - У раду је представљена компаративна лексичко-семантичка анализа одабраних места из позноантичких грчких текстова хришћанске и нехришћанске провенијенције у којима се износе доминантне антрополошке концепције тог доба. Компаративном анализом обухваћене су две главне парадигме, условно назване хришћанском и платонском, које су се, премда у много чему супротстављене, током историје сусретале, преплитале и подстицале развој религиозне и филозофске мисли. Хришћанска, одређена антрополошким монизмом, размотрена је у кључним одломцима из Старог Завета и Посланица Светог апостола Павла, док је платонска, одређена антрополошким дуализмом, размотрена на примерима самог Платона, Филона, Плутарха и Херметичког корпуса. Главни циљ анализе јесте да укаже на аналогије и паралелизме између те две парадигме у лексици, терминологији и употреби реторских средстава попут метафоре. Те аналогије откривају литерарну и интелектуалну динамику која је у позноантичко и ранохришћанско доба одликовала дискурс о природи човека. У раду су посебно истакнути тропи „облачења“ и „свлачења“ тела и „голе“ душе, те поређење смрти са сном.
AB  - This paper presents a comaparative lexical-semantic analysis of the loci selected from the late antique Greek texts of Christian and non-Christian origin that advocate the dominant anthropological notions of the time. The analysis encompasses the two main anthropological paradigms, the Christian and the Platonic, which in many respects opposed each other, but also met and intersected throughout history, fostering the development of religious and philosophical thought. The Christian paradigm, marked by anthropological monism, is examined in this work in the key passages from the Old Testament and St. Paul’s Epistles, whereas the Platonic paradigm, marked by anthropological dualism, is analysed in the examples taken from Plato himself, Philo, Plutach and the Corpus Hermeticum. The main objective of the analysis is to examine the analogies and parallels between the two paradigms on the lexical, terminological and rhetorical plane. These analogies reveal a literary and intellectual dynamics that characterized the discourse on man’s nature in the era of early Christianity and late Antiquity. The analysis pays a particular attention to the tropes of „dressing“ and „undressing“ the body and the „nudity“ of the soul, as well as to the comparison of death with sleep.
PB  - Универзитет у Београду - Православни богословски факултет, Београд
T2  - Богословље
T1  - Сучељена схватања телесности у антици
T1  - The Contested Notions of Body in Antiquity
EP  - 63
IS  - 1
SP  - 49
VL  - 82
DO  - 10.18485/bogoslovlje.2023.82.1.4
UR  - conv_5091
ER  - 
author = "Вешовић, Милосав and Путник, Ноел",
year = "2023",
abstract = "У раду је представљена компаративна лексичко-семантичка анализа одабраних места из позноантичких грчких текстова хришћанске и нехришћанске провенијенције у којима се износе доминантне антрополошке концепције тог доба. Компаративном анализом обухваћене су две главне парадигме, условно назване хришћанском и платонском, које су се, премда у много чему супротстављене, током историје сусретале, преплитале и подстицале развој религиозне и филозофске мисли. Хришћанска, одређена антрополошким монизмом, размотрена је у кључним одломцима из Старог Завета и Посланица Светог апостола Павла, док је платонска, одређена антрополошким дуализмом, размотрена на примерима самог Платона, Филона, Плутарха и Херметичког корпуса. Главни циљ анализе јесте да укаже на аналогије и паралелизме између те две парадигме у лексици, терминологији и употреби реторских средстава попут метафоре. Те аналогије откривају литерарну и интелектуалну динамику која је у позноантичко и ранохришћанско доба одликовала дискурс о природи човека. У раду су посебно истакнути тропи „облачења“ и „свлачења“ тела и „голе“ душе, те поређење смрти са сном., This paper presents a comaparative lexical-semantic analysis of the loci selected from the late antique Greek texts of Christian and non-Christian origin that advocate the dominant anthropological notions of the time. The analysis encompasses the two main anthropological paradigms, the Christian and the Platonic, which in many respects opposed each other, but also met and intersected throughout history, fostering the development of religious and philosophical thought. The Christian paradigm, marked by anthropological monism, is examined in this work in the key passages from the Old Testament and St. Paul’s Epistles, whereas the Platonic paradigm, marked by anthropological dualism, is analysed in the examples taken from Plato himself, Philo, Plutach and the Corpus Hermeticum. The main objective of the analysis is to examine the analogies and parallels between the two paradigms on the lexical, terminological and rhetorical plane. These analogies reveal a literary and intellectual dynamics that characterized the discourse on man’s nature in the era of early Christianity and late Antiquity. The analysis pays a particular attention to the tropes of „dressing“ and „undressing“ the body and the „nudity“ of the soul, as well as to the comparison of death with sleep.",
publisher = "Универзитет у Београду - Православни богословски факултет, Београд",
journal = "Богословље",
title = "Сучељена схватања телесности у антици, The Contested Notions of Body in Antiquity",
pages = "63-49",
number = "1",
volume = "82",
doi = "10.18485/bogoslovlje.2023.82.1.4",
url = "conv_5091"
Вешовић, М.,& Путник, Н.. (2023). Сучељена схватања телесности у антици. in Богословље
Универзитет у Београду - Православни богословски факултет, Београд., 82(1), 49-63.
Вешовић М, Путник Н. Сучељена схватања телесности у антици. in Богословље. 2023;82(1):49-63.
conv_5091 .
Вешовић, Милосав, Путник, Ноел, "Сучељена схватања телесности у антици" in Богословље, 82, no. 1 (2023):49-63,
https://doi.org/10.18485/bogoslovlje.2023.82.1.4 .,
conv_5091 .

Pagan and Christian Consolation

Vešović, Milosav; Putnik, Noel

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravoslavni bogoslovski fakultet, Beograd, 2009)

AU  - Vešović, Milosav
AU  - Putnik, Noel
PY  - 2009
UR  - https://rpbf.bfspc.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/36
AB  - It is well known that the early Church Fathers usually received a thorough classical education based upon pagan writers before they turned to their own literary production. As a result of their belonging to either Greek or Roman educated elites, they self-consciously adopted various pagan literary models and inherited fully developed pagan genres. At the same time, however, they actively transformed what they inherited by adapting the existing genres to their own goals and using them as vehicles for conveying the Chris-tian message. It gave rise to specific literary hybrids that, on the one hand, clearly showed formal (and not only formal) similarities with their role models, but, on the other, significantly differed from them in content as well as in context. Scrutinizing those intentional similarities and differences can be highly rewarding as it can give us a hint of the literary strategies applied by some of the early Church Fathers in their effort to emu-late their models and distance from them at the same time. The purpose of this text is to closely examine the above-delineated question within the genre of consolation (kayos actQaatiOnttx6c) which under the influence of Greek and Roman rhetoric and philosophy gradually evolved from one single topos to a genre of its own.' Although it could be delivered as a funeral speech, the usual form of consolation was the epistolary. Consoling the bereaved is a natural urge that received its literary formation as early as in the Iliad, in a scene of Achilles solacing Priamus.2 But more than being merely a sign of compassion, literary consolation provided the author with an opportunity to express and expound his own philosophical attitudes and convictions, and to convey them to the addressee (and thus to the readers). In this way, epistolary consolation often approached the form of philosophical treatise dealing with topics such as death, afterlife, fate, grief, etc.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravoslavni bogoslovski fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Philotheos
T1  - Pagan and Christian Consolation
EP  - 98
SP  - 90
VL  - 9
DO  - 10.5840/philotheos200998
UR  - conv_5033
ER  - 
author = "Vešović, Milosav and Putnik, Noel",
year = "2009",
abstract = "It is well known that the early Church Fathers usually received a thorough classical education based upon pagan writers before they turned to their own literary production. As a result of their belonging to either Greek or Roman educated elites, they self-consciously adopted various pagan literary models and inherited fully developed pagan genres. At the same time, however, they actively transformed what they inherited by adapting the existing genres to their own goals and using them as vehicles for conveying the Chris-tian message. It gave rise to specific literary hybrids that, on the one hand, clearly showed formal (and not only formal) similarities with their role models, but, on the other, significantly differed from them in content as well as in context. Scrutinizing those intentional similarities and differences can be highly rewarding as it can give us a hint of the literary strategies applied by some of the early Church Fathers in their effort to emu-late their models and distance from them at the same time. The purpose of this text is to closely examine the above-delineated question within the genre of consolation (kayos actQaatiOnttx6c) which under the influence of Greek and Roman rhetoric and philosophy gradually evolved from one single topos to a genre of its own.' Although it could be delivered as a funeral speech, the usual form of consolation was the epistolary. Consoling the bereaved is a natural urge that received its literary formation as early as in the Iliad, in a scene of Achilles solacing Priamus.2 But more than being merely a sign of compassion, literary consolation provided the author with an opportunity to express and expound his own philosophical attitudes and convictions, and to convey them to the addressee (and thus to the readers). In this way, epistolary consolation often approached the form of philosophical treatise dealing with topics such as death, afterlife, fate, grief, etc.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravoslavni bogoslovski fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Philotheos",
title = "Pagan and Christian Consolation",
pages = "98-90",
volume = "9",
doi = "10.5840/philotheos200998",
url = "conv_5033"
Vešović, M.,& Putnik, N.. (2009). Pagan and Christian Consolation. in Philotheos
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravoslavni bogoslovski fakultet, Beograd., 9, 90-98.
Vešović M, Putnik N. Pagan and Christian Consolation. in Philotheos. 2009;9:90-98.
conv_5033 .
Vešović, Milosav, Putnik, Noel, "Pagan and Christian Consolation" in Philotheos, 9 (2009):90-98,
https://doi.org/10.5840/philotheos200998 .,
conv_5033 .