Jović, Rastko

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  • Jović, Rastko (8)
  • Јовић, Растко (1)
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Author's Bibliography

“Resurrection” in the Dying Villages: The Case of Serbia

Jović, Rastko


AU  - Jović, Rastko
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - In this paper, the author has attempted to present the relationship between the Orthodox Church and rural areas in Serbia, primarily in the 19th/20th century. Rural areas have always posed many issues to the Orthodox Church, playing different roles in the paradigm of the Church mission. Although the Serbian Church accepted the village as an essential defender of Christianity, church leaders did not put enough efforts into educating and Christianizing these areas. Today, with the new currents in Serbian society, these parishes are dying out. In the light of these changes, we propose, at the end of this article, possible missionary guidelines for the Church in rural Serbian society for the 21st century. At the end of the article the author gives a proposal as to what the Church could reasonably hope to achieve in today’s Serbian village in terms of the issues of: hopelessness–post-EU hope, progress of relationships, liturgical life, “theological aristocracy”, human dignity, and villages instead of old people’s homes.
T2  - Journal of Orthodox Canon Law
T1  - “Resurrection” in the Dying Villages: The Case of Serbia
EP  - 74
IS  - 1
SP  - 64
VL  - 1
DO  - 10.24193/JOCL.2022.1.4
UR  - conv_5034
ER  - 
author = "Jović, Rastko",
year = "2022",
abstract = "In this paper, the author has attempted to present the relationship between the Orthodox Church and rural areas in Serbia, primarily in the 19th/20th century. Rural areas have always posed many issues to the Orthodox Church, playing different roles in the paradigm of the Church mission. Although the Serbian Church accepted the village as an essential defender of Christianity, church leaders did not put enough efforts into educating and Christianizing these areas. Today, with the new currents in Serbian society, these parishes are dying out. In the light of these changes, we propose, at the end of this article, possible missionary guidelines for the Church in rural Serbian society for the 21st century. At the end of the article the author gives a proposal as to what the Church could reasonably hope to achieve in today’s Serbian village in terms of the issues of: hopelessness–post-EU hope, progress of relationships, liturgical life, “theological aristocracy”, human dignity, and villages instead of old people’s homes.",
journal = "Journal of Orthodox Canon Law",
title = "“Resurrection” in the Dying Villages: The Case of Serbia",
pages = "74-64",
number = "1",
volume = "1",
doi = "10.24193/JOCL.2022.1.4",
url = "conv_5034"
Jović, R.. (2022). “Resurrection” in the Dying Villages: The Case of Serbia. in Journal of Orthodox Canon Law, 1(1), 64-74.
Jović R. “Resurrection” in the Dying Villages: The Case of Serbia. in Journal of Orthodox Canon Law. 2022;1(1):64-74.
conv_5034 .
Jović, Rastko, "“Resurrection” in the Dying Villages: The Case of Serbia" in Journal of Orthodox Canon Law, 1, no. 1 (2022):64-74, .,
conv_5034 .

Међурелигијски дијалог као императив у православном хришћанству

Јовић, Растко

(Институт за политичке студије, Београд, 2022)

AU  - Јовић, Растко
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Рад обрађује проблематику међурелигијског дијалога у контексту развоја неопходних теоријских основа у вези са самопоимањем православних. Чини се да је основни предуслов екуменског дијалога питање идентитета хришћана, који неретко остаје нејасан не пружајући довољно средстава за успешно вођење дијалога. Нејасно одређен идентитет Цркве и православних хришћана само ће додатно онемогућавати адекватну мисију и дијалог. Користећи се богатством православне традиције, покушали смо да покажемо динамичку природу хришћанског идентитета, његову инклузивну и афирмативну природу за другог и другачије. Цртајући обрисе православне посебности, све више постајемо свесни да међуверски дијалог није додатак нашег постојања као хришћанске Цркве, него њен суштински императив и услов постојања.
AB  - In the article, we tried to present necessary analyses of some critical pieces in the Christian tradition to reevaluate our identity as Orthodox Christians. We tried to define the eschatologically rooted distinctiveness and outcomes which it can provide for the believing community. Inclusive character of Christian being, testified by our own tradition, gives the prospect for better accommodation of interreligious dialogue. The vaguely defined identity of the Church and Orthodox Christians will only further impede adequate mission and dialogue. The article also dealt with those Orthodox theologians who shaped our vision on ecumenism. Persistence in interreligious dialogue and cooperation is not an unnecessary addition to the church’s identity and Christian faith. However, it represents the source and essence of a Christian being.
PB  - Институт за политичке студије, Београд
T2  - Српска политичка мисао
T1  - Међурелигијски дијалог као императив у православном хришћанству
T1  - Interreligious Dialogue as an Imperative in Orthodox Christianity
EP  - 82
IS  - Specijal 3
SP  - 67
DO  - 10.22182/spm.specijal32022.4
UR  - conv_5012
ER  - 
author = "Јовић, Растко",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Рад обрађује проблематику међурелигијског дијалога у контексту развоја неопходних теоријских основа у вези са самопоимањем православних. Чини се да је основни предуслов екуменског дијалога питање идентитета хришћана, који неретко остаје нејасан не пружајући довољно средстава за успешно вођење дијалога. Нејасно одређен идентитет Цркве и православних хришћана само ће додатно онемогућавати адекватну мисију и дијалог. Користећи се богатством православне традиције, покушали смо да покажемо динамичку природу хришћанског идентитета, његову инклузивну и афирмативну природу за другог и другачије. Цртајући обрисе православне посебности, све више постајемо свесни да међуверски дијалог није додатак нашег постојања као хришћанске Цркве, него њен суштински императив и услов постојања., In the article, we tried to present necessary analyses of some critical pieces in the Christian tradition to reevaluate our identity as Orthodox Christians. We tried to define the eschatologically rooted distinctiveness and outcomes which it can provide for the believing community. Inclusive character of Christian being, testified by our own tradition, gives the prospect for better accommodation of interreligious dialogue. The vaguely defined identity of the Church and Orthodox Christians will only further impede adequate mission and dialogue. The article also dealt with those Orthodox theologians who shaped our vision on ecumenism. Persistence in interreligious dialogue and cooperation is not an unnecessary addition to the church’s identity and Christian faith. However, it represents the source and essence of a Christian being.",
publisher = "Институт за политичке студије, Београд",
journal = "Српска политичка мисао",
title = "Међурелигијски дијалог као императив у православном хришћанству, Interreligious Dialogue as an Imperative in Orthodox Christianity",
pages = "82-67",
number = "Specijal 3",
doi = "10.22182/spm.specijal32022.4",
url = "conv_5012"
Јовић, Р.. (2022). Међурелигијски дијалог као императив у православном хришћанству. in Српска политичка мисао
Институт за политичке студије, Београд.(Specijal 3), 67-82.
Јовић Р. Међурелигијски дијалог као императив у православном хришћанству. in Српска политичка мисао. 2022;(Specijal 3):67-82.
conv_5012 .
Јовић, Растко, "Међурелигијски дијалог као императив у православном хришћанству" in Српска политичка мисао, no. Specijal 3 (2022):67-82, .,
conv_5012 .

Mission and Reconciliation Theology for a New Remembrance

Jović, Rastko


AU  - Jović, Rastko
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Conflicts and wars often occur, with devastating consequences in society. Attaining reconciliation is a challenging task, especially if each side in the conflict articulates its identity in terms of victimhood through education, history, and memories. Can theology offer an adequate answer and help overcome conflicts and bring forgiveness? Each time we serve the liturgy, we are reminded to remember the future and remember Christ's ultimate forgiveness. In that sense, worship as a communal and God-oriented event can remind us of our mission, which is participation in God's salvific work. This paper offers some theological insights as guidelines for Christians and their respective communities to pursue. Hopefully, theology will prove its ability and strength to foster reconciliation and unity in a suffering world.
T2  - International Review of Mission
T1  - Mission and Reconciliation Theology for a New Remembrance
EP  - 15
IS  - 1
SP  - 6
VL  - 110
DO  - 10.1111/irom.12350
UR  - conv_324
ER  - 
author = "Jović, Rastko",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Conflicts and wars often occur, with devastating consequences in society. Attaining reconciliation is a challenging task, especially if each side in the conflict articulates its identity in terms of victimhood through education, history, and memories. Can theology offer an adequate answer and help overcome conflicts and bring forgiveness? Each time we serve the liturgy, we are reminded to remember the future and remember Christ's ultimate forgiveness. In that sense, worship as a communal and God-oriented event can remind us of our mission, which is participation in God's salvific work. This paper offers some theological insights as guidelines for Christians and their respective communities to pursue. Hopefully, theology will prove its ability and strength to foster reconciliation and unity in a suffering world.",
journal = "International Review of Mission",
title = "Mission and Reconciliation Theology for a New Remembrance",
pages = "15-6",
number = "1",
volume = "110",
doi = "10.1111/irom.12350",
url = "conv_324"
Jović, R.. (2021). Mission and Reconciliation Theology for a New Remembrance. in International Review of Mission, 110(1), 6-15.
Jović R. Mission and Reconciliation Theology for a New Remembrance. in International Review of Mission. 2021;110(1):6-15.
conv_324 .
Jović, Rastko, "Mission and Reconciliation Theology for a New Remembrance" in International Review of Mission, 110, no. 1 (2021):6-15, .,
conv_324 .

Democratization in Christian Orthodox Europe: comparing Greece, Serbia and Russia

Jović, Rastko


AU  - Jović, Rastko
PY  - 2021
UR  -
T2  - Democratization
T1  - Democratization in Christian Orthodox Europe: comparing Greece, Serbia and Russia
EP  - 1384
IS  - 7
SP  - 1382
VL  - 28
DO  - 10.1080/13510347.2021.1890038
UR  - conv_321
ER  - 
author = "Jović, Rastko",
year = "2021",
journal = "Democratization",
title = "Democratization in Christian Orthodox Europe: comparing Greece, Serbia and Russia",
pages = "1384-1382",
number = "7",
volume = "28",
doi = "10.1080/13510347.2021.1890038",
url = "conv_321"
Jović, R.. (2021). Democratization in Christian Orthodox Europe: comparing Greece, Serbia and Russia. in Democratization, 28(7), 1382-1384.
Jović R. Democratization in Christian Orthodox Europe: comparing Greece, Serbia and Russia. in Democratization. 2021;28(7):1382-1384.
conv_321 .
Jović, Rastko, "Democratization in Christian Orthodox Europe: comparing Greece, Serbia and Russia" in Democratization, 28, no. 7 (2021):1382-1384, .,
conv_321 .

The Orthodox Understanding of Marriage in the Ecumenical Context

Jović, Rastko


AU  - Jović, Rastko
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - This article deals with interchurch and interreligious marriage as a challenge to Orthodox theology and its self-conscience. The canons of the church came into being at a time when the church identified itself with history, and the Empire with the kingdom of God. Their purpose was to strengthen the historical construction of the church and the Empire. In such a context, the "other" was a threat to the historical existence of the church. Eschatology offers a different perspective, seeing the whole world as a church "in becoming." Mixed marriages pose the following questions: How do we understand ourselves? How do we understand others? Our tradition has been challenged with new events and new realities, demanding bravery to solve them.
T2  - Ecumenical Review
T1  - The Orthodox Understanding of Marriage in the Ecumenical Context
EP  - 421
IS  - 3
SP  - 409
VL  - 72
DO  - 10.1111/erev.12519
UR  - conv_318
ER  - 
author = "Jović, Rastko",
year = "2020",
abstract = "This article deals with interchurch and interreligious marriage as a challenge to Orthodox theology and its self-conscience. The canons of the church came into being at a time when the church identified itself with history, and the Empire with the kingdom of God. Their purpose was to strengthen the historical construction of the church and the Empire. In such a context, the "other" was a threat to the historical existence of the church. Eschatology offers a different perspective, seeing the whole world as a church "in becoming." Mixed marriages pose the following questions: How do we understand ourselves? How do we understand others? Our tradition has been challenged with new events and new realities, demanding bravery to solve them.",
journal = "Ecumenical Review",
title = "The Orthodox Understanding of Marriage in the Ecumenical Context",
pages = "421-409",
number = "3",
volume = "72",
doi = "10.1111/erev.12519",
url = "conv_318"
Jović, R.. (2020). The Orthodox Understanding of Marriage in the Ecumenical Context. in Ecumenical Review, 72(3), 409-421.
Jović R. The Orthodox Understanding of Marriage in the Ecumenical Context. in Ecumenical Review. 2020;72(3):409-421.
conv_318 .
Jović, Rastko, "The Orthodox Understanding of Marriage in the Ecumenical Context" in Ecumenical Review, 72, no. 3 (2020):409-421, .,
conv_318 .

Scaffolds of the Church: Towards Poststructural Ecclesiology

Jović, Rastko

(Гномон, Београд, 2017)

AU  - Jović, Rastko
PY  - 2017
UR  -
PB  - Гномон, Београд
T2  - Philotheos
T1  - Scaffolds of the Church: Towards Poststructural Ecclesiology
EP  - 173
SP  - 171
VL  - 17
DO  - 10.5840/philotheos20171720
UR  - conv_5071
ER  - 
author = "Jović, Rastko",
year = "2017",
publisher = "Гномон, Београд",
journal = "Philotheos",
title = "Scaffolds of the Church: Towards Poststructural Ecclesiology",
pages = "173-171",
volume = "17",
doi = "10.5840/philotheos20171720",
url = "conv_5071"
Jović, R.. (2017). Scaffolds of the Church: Towards Poststructural Ecclesiology. in Philotheos
Гномон, Београд., 17, 171-173.
Jović R. Scaffolds of the Church: Towards Poststructural Ecclesiology. in Philotheos. 2017;17:171-173.
conv_5071 .
Jović, Rastko, "Scaffolds of the Church: Towards Poststructural Ecclesiology" in Philotheos, 17 (2017):171-173, .,
conv_5071 .

Theology with a Human Face

Jović, Rastko


AU  - Jović, Rastko
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - This paper starts from the fact that every theology is contextual and that even passive modes of theology are informed by the context. Thus the issue at stake is rather creativity than contextuality. Has Orthodox theology drifted into ‘docetism’ by uncritically ignoring history, escaping from the present, and becoming irrelevant to society? Pleading for a Theology with a Human Face, the author discusses the credibility of the church by emphasizing that its message depends on its capacity to free itself from structures that are more reflexive of feudal societies than the kingdom of God.
T2  - Journal of Eastern Christian Studies
T1  - Theology with a Human Face
EP  - 189
IS  - 1-4
SP  - 167
VL  - 69
DO  - 10.2143/JECS.69.1.3214956
UR  - conv_5022
ER  - 
author = "Jović, Rastko",
year = "2017",
abstract = "This paper starts from the fact that every theology is contextual and that even passive modes of theology are informed by the context. Thus the issue at stake is rather creativity than contextuality. Has Orthodox theology drifted into ‘docetism’ by uncritically ignoring history, escaping from the present, and becoming irrelevant to society? Pleading for a Theology with a Human Face, the author discusses the credibility of the church by emphasizing that its message depends on its capacity to free itself from structures that are more reflexive of feudal societies than the kingdom of God.",
journal = "Journal of Eastern Christian Studies",
title = "Theology with a Human Face",
pages = "189-167",
number = "1-4",
volume = "69",
doi = "10.2143/JECS.69.1.3214956",
url = "conv_5022"
Jović, R.. (2017). Theology with a Human Face. in Journal of Eastern Christian Studies, 69(1-4), 167-189.
Jović R. Theology with a Human Face. in Journal of Eastern Christian Studies. 2017;69(1-4):167-189.
conv_5022 .
Jović, Rastko, "Theology with a Human Face" in Journal of Eastern Christian Studies, 69, no. 1-4 (2017):167-189, .,
conv_5022 .

The Importance of Fasting and Its Observance for Tomorrow

Jović, Rastko


AU  - Jović, Rastko
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - The article theologically examines the document on fasting adopted at the Crete Council in 2016. With respect to fasting, as an obligatory practice, we could notice negative consequences in Church life, more than positive ones. For example, Eucharist has been understood as a cult with less relation to the world. It became only a ritual on the periphery of the Church’s life. The emphasis on food as the most important value has a negative outcome for the relationship between our theology and our clergy. In most cases, obligatory fasting practice strips our Christian identity to an identity based merely around food. For all these reasons, the article advises that the Church should advocate fasting but no longer as an obligatory practice.
T2  - Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Orthodoxa
T1  - The Importance of Fasting and Its Observance for Tomorrow
EP  - 114
IS  - 1
SP  - 103
VL  - 62
DO  - 10.24193/subbto.2017.1.07
UR  - conv_5067
ER  - 
author = "Jović, Rastko",
year = "2017",
abstract = "The article theologically examines the document on fasting adopted at the Crete Council in 2016. With respect to fasting, as an obligatory practice, we could notice negative consequences in Church life, more than positive ones. For example, Eucharist has been understood as a cult with less relation to the world. It became only a ritual on the periphery of the Church’s life. The emphasis on food as the most important value has a negative outcome for the relationship between our theology and our clergy. In most cases, obligatory fasting practice strips our Christian identity to an identity based merely around food. For all these reasons, the article advises that the Church should advocate fasting but no longer as an obligatory practice.",
journal = "Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Orthodoxa",
title = "The Importance of Fasting and Its Observance for Tomorrow",
pages = "114-103",
number = "1",
volume = "62",
doi = "10.24193/subbto.2017.1.07",
url = "conv_5067"
Jović, R.. (2017). The Importance of Fasting and Its Observance for Tomorrow. in Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Orthodoxa, 62(1), 103-114.
Jović R. The Importance of Fasting and Its Observance for Tomorrow. in Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Orthodoxa. 2017;62(1):103-114.
conv_5067 .
Jović, Rastko, "The Importance of Fasting and Its Observance for Tomorrow" in Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Orthodoxa, 62, no. 1 (2017):103-114, .,
conv_5067 .

Doing Gender Justice as a Mission Imperative : God's Justice and Ours

Jović, Rastko


AU  - Jović, Rastko
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - Gender justice is not an issue about rights for or a fight against a group of people or someone. Gender justice is about God’s justice and our call to the struggle to fulfill as much as possible of that justice in the constraints of history. In the words of Gregory of Nyssa: “Woman is in the image of God equally with man. The sexes are of equal worth. Their virtues are equal, their struggles are equal . . . Would a man be able to compete with a woman who lives her life to the full?” Gender justice is therefore about whether we are able to iconize God’s kingdom in the best possible way with all the abilities that God gave us, otherwise we “hide our talents in the ground” (Matt. 25:25).
T2  - International Review of Mission
T1  - Doing Gender Justice as a Mission Imperative : God's Justice and Ours
EP  - 36
IS  - 1
SP  - 26
VL  - 104
DO  - 10.1111/irom.12073
UR  - conv_299
ER  - 
author = "Jović, Rastko",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Gender justice is not an issue about rights for or a fight against a group of people or someone. Gender justice is about God’s justice and our call to the struggle to fulfill as much as possible of that justice in the constraints of history. In the words of Gregory of Nyssa: “Woman is in the image of God equally with man. The sexes are of equal worth. Their virtues are equal, their struggles are equal . . . Would a man be able to compete with a woman who lives her life to the full?” Gender justice is therefore about whether we are able to iconize God’s kingdom in the best possible way with all the abilities that God gave us, otherwise we “hide our talents in the ground” (Matt. 25:25).",
journal = "International Review of Mission",
title = "Doing Gender Justice as a Mission Imperative : God's Justice and Ours",
pages = "36-26",
number = "1",
volume = "104",
doi = "10.1111/irom.12073",
url = "conv_299"
Jović, R.. (2015). Doing Gender Justice as a Mission Imperative : God's Justice and Ours. in International Review of Mission, 104(1), 26-36.
Jović R. Doing Gender Justice as a Mission Imperative : God's Justice and Ours. in International Review of Mission. 2015;104(1):26-36.
conv_299 .
Jović, Rastko, "Doing Gender Justice as a Mission Imperative : God's Justice and Ours" in International Review of Mission, 104, no. 1 (2015):26-36, .,
conv_299 .