Radić, Dragan

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  • Radić, Dragan (4)
  • Радић, Драган (1)
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Značenje imena »kršćanin« po učenju sv. Grgura Niskog

Perić, Dražen; Radić, Dragan

(University of Zagreb, 2020)

AU  - Perić, Dražen
AU  - Radić, Dragan
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://rpbf.bfspc.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/219
AB  - U radu se razmatra razumijevanje i tumačenje osnovnih izraza u kršćanstvu, kao što su »kršćanstvo« i »kršćanin« na osnovi teološke misli sv. Grgura Niskog. Tema rada se raspravlja i promišlja ponajprije na osnovi Grgurova spisa naslovljenog Armoniju o tome što znači ime ili zvanje kršćana. Posebno se ističe i promišlja važnost pravilnog razumijevanja imena i zvanja kršćanin. Istodobno se pristupa Grgurovu istraživanju i tumačenju izraza »kršćanstvo«, koje svetac definira na sljedeći način: kršćanstvo je nasljedovanje božanske naravi. Raspravljajući o svemu tome, Grgur Niski postavlja osnovna pitanja. Kako je moguće da se stvorena, slabašna i ograničena ljudska narav tako proširi i dosegne ono blaženstvo koje postoji samo u Bogu? Kako je moguće da zemaljsko postane slično nebeskom kada sama razlika po naravi nedvosmisleno ukazuje na nedostižno nasljedovanje (τὸ ἀνέφικτον τῆς μιμήσεως)? Sveti Grgur kao odgovor ističe da nas evanđelje nigdje ne poziva da usporedimo ljudsku narav s božanskom, jer bi to bilo izlišno i nemoguće, nego se to ponajprije odnosi na dobra djela ili »dobre energije« (ἀγαθὰς ἐνεργείας), naravno u mjeri u kojoj je to čovjeku moguće. Neophodno je nasljedovanje samo u onome što je čovjeku dostižno i moguće, a to je, prije svega nasljedovanje i ugledanje na Boga čovjekovim djelovanjima, djelima, dobrim energijama, odnosno, konkretnim životom i vladanjem.
AB  - The article discusses the understanding and interpretation of basic expressions in Christianity, such as "Christianity" and "Christian" on the basis of the theological thought of St Gregory of Nyssa. The main source of the reflection is Gregory's work addressed to Harmonius on the meaning of the Christian name or vocation. The authors are especially pointing out the importance of correct understanding of the name or vocation of Christian. At the same time, they are discussing Gregory's study and interpretation of the term "Christianity" that the Saint defines in the following way: Christianity consists in living according to the divine nature. Through his discussion of these topics, Gregory of Nyssa poses some fundamental questions. How is it possible for the created, weak, and limited human nature to expand itself and to reach that bliss that exists only in God? How is it possible for what is earthly to become so similar to what is heavenly when the very difference of their natures undoubtedly points to unreachable living according to the divine nature (tau omicron alpha nu epsilon phi iota kappa tau kappa tau omicron nu tau eta sigma mu iota mu eta sigma epsilon omega sigma)? In reply, Saint Gregory points out that the Gospel never invites us to compare the human nature with Divine, because this would be pointless and impossible, but that this has primarily to do with good works and "good energies" (alpha gamma alpha theta alpha sigma epsilon nu epsilon rho gamma epsilon iota alpha sigma); of course,to the extent that this is possible for a human being. One has to live according to the divine nature only in those things that are possible to a human being; primarily through following God in human activity and good energies, i.e., in concrete life and behaviour.
PB  - University of Zagreb
T2  - Bogoslovska smotra
T1  - Značenje imena »kršćanin« po učenju sv. Grgura Niskog
T1  - The Meaning of the Name Christian According to the Teaching of st Gregory of Nyssa
EP  - 857
IS  - 4
SP  - 841
VL  - 90
UR  - conv_322
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rpbf_219
ER  - 
author = "Perić, Dražen and Radić, Dragan",
year = "2020",
abstract = "U radu se razmatra razumijevanje i tumačenje osnovnih izraza u kršćanstvu, kao što su »kršćanstvo« i »kršćanin« na osnovi teološke misli sv. Grgura Niskog. Tema rada se raspravlja i promišlja ponajprije na osnovi Grgurova spisa naslovljenog Armoniju o tome što znači ime ili zvanje kršćana. Posebno se ističe i promišlja važnost pravilnog razumijevanja imena i zvanja kršćanin. Istodobno se pristupa Grgurovu istraživanju i tumačenju izraza »kršćanstvo«, koje svetac definira na sljedeći način: kršćanstvo je nasljedovanje božanske naravi. Raspravljajući o svemu tome, Grgur Niski postavlja osnovna pitanja. Kako je moguće da se stvorena, slabašna i ograničena ljudska narav tako proširi i dosegne ono blaženstvo koje postoji samo u Bogu? Kako je moguće da zemaljsko postane slično nebeskom kada sama razlika po naravi nedvosmisleno ukazuje na nedostižno nasljedovanje (τὸ ἀνέφικτον τῆς μιμήσεως)? Sveti Grgur kao odgovor ističe da nas evanđelje nigdje ne poziva da usporedimo ljudsku narav s božanskom, jer bi to bilo izlišno i nemoguće, nego se to ponajprije odnosi na dobra djela ili »dobre energije« (ἀγαθὰς ἐνεργείας), naravno u mjeri u kojoj je to čovjeku moguće. Neophodno je nasljedovanje samo u onome što je čovjeku dostižno i moguće, a to je, prije svega nasljedovanje i ugledanje na Boga čovjekovim djelovanjima, djelima, dobrim energijama, odnosno, konkretnim životom i vladanjem., The article discusses the understanding and interpretation of basic expressions in Christianity, such as "Christianity" and "Christian" on the basis of the theological thought of St Gregory of Nyssa. The main source of the reflection is Gregory's work addressed to Harmonius on the meaning of the Christian name or vocation. The authors are especially pointing out the importance of correct understanding of the name or vocation of Christian. At the same time, they are discussing Gregory's study and interpretation of the term "Christianity" that the Saint defines in the following way: Christianity consists in living according to the divine nature. Through his discussion of these topics, Gregory of Nyssa poses some fundamental questions. How is it possible for the created, weak, and limited human nature to expand itself and to reach that bliss that exists only in God? How is it possible for what is earthly to become so similar to what is heavenly when the very difference of their natures undoubtedly points to unreachable living according to the divine nature (tau omicron alpha nu epsilon phi iota kappa tau kappa tau omicron nu tau eta sigma mu iota mu eta sigma epsilon omega sigma)? In reply, Saint Gregory points out that the Gospel never invites us to compare the human nature with Divine, because this would be pointless and impossible, but that this has primarily to do with good works and "good energies" (alpha gamma alpha theta alpha sigma epsilon nu epsilon rho gamma epsilon iota alpha sigma); of course,to the extent that this is possible for a human being. One has to live according to the divine nature only in those things that are possible to a human being; primarily through following God in human activity and good energies, i.e., in concrete life and behaviour.",
publisher = "University of Zagreb",
journal = "Bogoslovska smotra",
title = "Značenje imena »kršćanin« po učenju sv. Grgura Niskog, The Meaning of the Name Christian According to the Teaching of st Gregory of Nyssa",
pages = "857-841",
number = "4",
volume = "90",
url = "conv_322, https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rpbf_219"
Perić, D.,& Radić, D.. (2020). Značenje imena »kršćanin« po učenju sv. Grgura Niskog. in Bogoslovska smotra
University of Zagreb., 90(4), 841-857.
Perić D, Radić D. Značenje imena »kršćanin« po učenju sv. Grgura Niskog. in Bogoslovska smotra. 2020;90(4):841-857.
conv_322 .
Perić, Dražen, Radić, Dragan, "Značenje imena »kršćanin« po učenju sv. Grgura Niskog" in Bogoslovska smotra, 90, no. 4 (2020):841-857,
conv_322 .

The Reception of the Book of Jonah by Theodoret of Cyrus

Radić, Dragan

(Centro Editoriale Dehoniano, 2020)

AU  - Radić, Dragan
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://rpbf.bfspc.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/234
AB  - The reception of the Book of Jonаh by Theodoret of Cyrus wаs primаrily conditioned by the generаl context of Theodoret's own life, аnd it wаs, therefore, directed to his contemporаries with the desire to help them fight prejudice аnd religious nаrrow-mindedness. The Book of Jonаh is for Theodoret а perfect exаmple of how God's mercy cаnnot аnd should not be privаtized for а single individuаl, since God is the one who determines the plаn аnd the wаy of his аction in the world.
PB  - Centro Editoriale Dehoniano
T2  - Annali di Storia dell'Esegesi
T1  - The Reception of the Book of Jonah by Theodoret of Cyrus
EP  - 100
IS  - 1
SP  - 89
VL  - 37
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rpbf_234
UR  - conv_347
ER  - 
author = "Radić, Dragan",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The reception of the Book of Jonаh by Theodoret of Cyrus wаs primаrily conditioned by the generаl context of Theodoret's own life, аnd it wаs, therefore, directed to his contemporаries with the desire to help them fight prejudice аnd religious nаrrow-mindedness. The Book of Jonаh is for Theodoret а perfect exаmple of how God's mercy cаnnot аnd should not be privаtized for а single individuаl, since God is the one who determines the plаn аnd the wаy of his аction in the world.",
publisher = "Centro Editoriale Dehoniano",
journal = "Annali di Storia dell'Esegesi",
title = "The Reception of the Book of Jonah by Theodoret of Cyrus",
pages = "100-89",
number = "1",
volume = "37",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rpbf_234, conv_347"
Radić, D.. (2020). The Reception of the Book of Jonah by Theodoret of Cyrus. in Annali di Storia dell'Esegesi
Centro Editoriale Dehoniano., 37(1), 89-100.
Radić D. The Reception of the Book of Jonah by Theodoret of Cyrus. in Annali di Storia dell'Esegesi. 2020;37(1):89-100.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rpbf_234 .
Radić, Dragan, "The Reception of the Book of Jonah by Theodoret of Cyrus" in Annali di Storia dell'Esegesi, 37, no. 1 (2020):89-100,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rpbf_234 .

Jezik Apostola Pavla kao paradigma teološkog govora

Radić, Dragan

(Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana, Maribor Unit, 2019)

AU  - Radić, Dragan
PY  - 2019
UR  - https://rpbf.bfspc.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/332
AB  - Cilj ovoga rada jeste da ukaže, s jedne strane, na važnost i značaj teološkog jezika apostola Pavla kao paradigmatskog modela komunikacije i sporazumevanja, a sa druge strane, na činjenicu da je njegov jezik imao oduvek ogromne praktične implikacije na polju hrišćanske misije i života Crkve u svetu. Rad je po svom sadržaju i strukturi podeljen na dve tematske celine. U prvoj se obrađuju pojam i značenje jezika kao sredstva komunikacije i sporazumevanja Crkve u odnosu na svet i čoveka, s jedne strane, i odnos ranohrišćanske Crkve i apostola Pavla prema sakralnom jeziku, sa druge strane. U drugoj celini analiziraju se konkretni primeri Pavlovog teološkog jezika i njegova primena u konkretnim misionarskim aktivnostima, naročito u problematičnim situacijama prilikom dodira sa drugim kulturama i religijama toga vremena. Na kraju se, u vidu zaključka, donose konkretne konstatacije da jezik Apostola Pavla, iako artikulisan pre dve hiljade godina, može biti aktuelan i da može da posluži kao paradigma teološkog govora i komunikacije Crkve sa savremenim svetom.
AB  - The aim of this paper is to point out, on the one hand, the importance and significan- ce of the theological language of the Apostle Paul as a paradigmatic model of communication and, on the other hand, the fact that his language has always had enormous practical implications in the field of Christian mission and life of the Church in the world. By its content and structure, the work is divided into two thematic units. The first one deals with the notion and meaning of language as a means of communicating and understanding the Church with respect to the world and man, on the one hand, and the attitude of the early Church and the apostle Paul toward sacred language, on the other. In the second unit, we analyze concrete examples of Paul's theological language and its application in specific missionary activities, especially in problematic situations involving contact with other cultures and religions of that time. Finally, in closure, concrete conclusions are made that the language of the Apostle Paul, although articulated two thousand years ago, can be relevant and can serve as a paradigm of theological speech and communication of the Church with the contemporary world.
PB  - Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana, Maribor Unit
T2  - Edinost in dialog ; Unity and Dialogue
T1  - Jezik Apostola Pavla kao paradigma teološkog govora
T1  - Paul’s Language as a Paradigm of Theological Speech
EP  - 174
IS  - 1
SP  - 151
VL  - 74
DO  - 10.34291/Edinost/74/Radic
ER  - 
author = "Radić, Dragan",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Cilj ovoga rada jeste da ukaže, s jedne strane, na važnost i značaj teološkog jezika apostola Pavla kao paradigmatskog modela komunikacije i sporazumevanja, a sa druge strane, na činjenicu da je njegov jezik imao oduvek ogromne praktične implikacije na polju hrišćanske misije i života Crkve u svetu. Rad je po svom sadržaju i strukturi podeljen na dve tematske celine. U prvoj se obrađuju pojam i značenje jezika kao sredstva komunikacije i sporazumevanja Crkve u odnosu na svet i čoveka, s jedne strane, i odnos ranohrišćanske Crkve i apostola Pavla prema sakralnom jeziku, sa druge strane. U drugoj celini analiziraju se konkretni primeri Pavlovog teološkog jezika i njegova primena u konkretnim misionarskim aktivnostima, naročito u problematičnim situacijama prilikom dodira sa drugim kulturama i religijama toga vremena. Na kraju se, u vidu zaključka, donose konkretne konstatacije da jezik Apostola Pavla, iako artikulisan pre dve hiljade godina, može biti aktuelan i da može da posluži kao paradigma teološkog govora i komunikacije Crkve sa savremenim svetom., The aim of this paper is to point out, on the one hand, the importance and significan- ce of the theological language of the Apostle Paul as a paradigmatic model of communication and, on the other hand, the fact that his language has always had enormous practical implications in the field of Christian mission and life of the Church in the world. By its content and structure, the work is divided into two thematic units. The first one deals with the notion and meaning of language as a means of communicating and understanding the Church with respect to the world and man, on the one hand, and the attitude of the early Church and the apostle Paul toward sacred language, on the other. In the second unit, we analyze concrete examples of Paul's theological language and its application in specific missionary activities, especially in problematic situations involving contact with other cultures and religions of that time. Finally, in closure, concrete conclusions are made that the language of the Apostle Paul, although articulated two thousand years ago, can be relevant and can serve as a paradigm of theological speech and communication of the Church with the contemporary world.",
publisher = "Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana, Maribor Unit",
journal = "Edinost in dialog ; Unity and Dialogue",
title = "Jezik Apostola Pavla kao paradigma teološkog govora, Paul’s Language as a Paradigm of Theological Speech",
pages = "174-151",
number = "1",
volume = "74",
doi = "10.34291/Edinost/74/Radic"
Radić, D.. (2019). Jezik Apostola Pavla kao paradigma teološkog govora. in Edinost in dialog ; Unity and Dialogue
Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana, Maribor Unit., 74(1), 151-174.
Radić D. Jezik Apostola Pavla kao paradigma teološkog govora. in Edinost in dialog ; Unity and Dialogue. 2019;74(1):151-174.
doi:10.34291/Edinost/74/Radic .
Radić, Dragan, "Jezik Apostola Pavla kao paradigma teološkog govora" in Edinost in dialog ; Unity and Dialogue, 74, no. 1 (2019):151-174,
https://doi.org/10.34291/Edinost/74/Radic . .

Dijalektika »prvoga Adama« i »posljednjega Adama« u antropologiji apostola Pavla

Perić, Porfirije; Radić, Dragan

(University of Zagreb, 2015)

AU  - Perić, Porfirije
AU  - Radić, Dragan
PY  - 2015
UR  - https://rpbf.bfspc.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/153
AB  - Cilj je rada obraditi dva veoma važna antropološka pojma svetog apostola Pavla i kroz dijalektiku odnosa »Prvog Adama« i »Posljednjeg Adama« (1 Kor 15,45), kao i »staroga čovjeka« i »novoga čovjeka« (Ef 4,22 – 24; Kol 3,9-10), ukazati da je kršćanska antropologija u svojoj ontologiji izravno povezana s ontologijom samoga Boga. Po nauku apostola Pavla neophodno je odbaciti sa sebe staroga čovjeka i obući se u novoga, jer je čovjek pozvan od Boga u novi život u Crkvi. Apostol Pavao naglašava da je Prvi Adam sazdan kao »duša živa«, međutim punoću svojeg bića i života kao i ostvarenje svojega konačnog cilja nalazi u osobi Posljednjeg Adama – »duha koji oživljuje«, tj. u otajstvu Bogočovjeka Krista. Novost novozavjetne antropologije u odnosu na starogrčku i starozavjetnu, koju nam donosi apostol Pavao, jest posljednji, Novi Adam, koji je začetnik novog čovječanstva i života.
AB  - The aim of this paper is to analyse two very important anthropological notions of the Apostle Paul and to try to point out, through the dialectic relationship of the First and the Last Adam (1 Cor 15:45), as well as the old and the new human being (Eph. 4, 22 -24; Kol. 3, 9-10), that the Christian anthropology in its ontology is directly linked to the ontology of God himself. According to the teaching of the Apostle Paul, it is necessary to reject the old human being and put on the new human being, because the human being is called by God to a new life in the Church. The apostle Paul points out that the first Adam, created as a >>living soul>>, found the fullness of his being and life and the realization of his ultimate goal in the person of last Adam - >>the life-giving Spirit, i.e. in the Mystery of God that became the Human Being, Christ. The novelty of the New Testament anthropology, in relation to the ancient Greek and Old-Testamentary, brought by the Apostle Paul, is the Last, New Adam, who is the originator of the new humanity and life.
PB  - University of Zagreb
T2  - Bogoslovska smotra
T1  - Dijalektika »prvoga Adama« i »posljednjega Adama« u antropologiji apostola Pavla
T1  - The Dialectics of the First Adam and the Last Adam in the Apostle Paul’s Anthropology
EP  - 1025
IS  - 4
SP  - 1007
VL  - 85
UR  - conv_357
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rpbf_153
ER  - 
author = "Perić, Porfirije and Radić, Dragan",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Cilj je rada obraditi dva veoma važna antropološka pojma svetog apostola Pavla i kroz dijalektiku odnosa »Prvog Adama« i »Posljednjeg Adama« (1 Kor 15,45), kao i »staroga čovjeka« i »novoga čovjeka« (Ef 4,22 – 24; Kol 3,9-10), ukazati da je kršćanska antropologija u svojoj ontologiji izravno povezana s ontologijom samoga Boga. Po nauku apostola Pavla neophodno je odbaciti sa sebe staroga čovjeka i obući se u novoga, jer je čovjek pozvan od Boga u novi život u Crkvi. Apostol Pavao naglašava da je Prvi Adam sazdan kao »duša živa«, međutim punoću svojeg bića i života kao i ostvarenje svojega konačnog cilja nalazi u osobi Posljednjeg Adama – »duha koji oživljuje«, tj. u otajstvu Bogočovjeka Krista. Novost novozavjetne antropologije u odnosu na starogrčku i starozavjetnu, koju nam donosi apostol Pavao, jest posljednji, Novi Adam, koji je začetnik novog čovječanstva i života., The aim of this paper is to analyse two very important anthropological notions of the Apostle Paul and to try to point out, through the dialectic relationship of the First and the Last Adam (1 Cor 15:45), as well as the old and the new human being (Eph. 4, 22 -24; Kol. 3, 9-10), that the Christian anthropology in its ontology is directly linked to the ontology of God himself. According to the teaching of the Apostle Paul, it is necessary to reject the old human being and put on the new human being, because the human being is called by God to a new life in the Church. The apostle Paul points out that the first Adam, created as a >>living soul>>, found the fullness of his being and life and the realization of his ultimate goal in the person of last Adam - >>the life-giving Spirit, i.e. in the Mystery of God that became the Human Being, Christ. The novelty of the New Testament anthropology, in relation to the ancient Greek and Old-Testamentary, brought by the Apostle Paul, is the Last, New Adam, who is the originator of the new humanity and life.",
publisher = "University of Zagreb",
journal = "Bogoslovska smotra",
title = "Dijalektika »prvoga Adama« i »posljednjega Adama« u antropologiji apostola Pavla, The Dialectics of the First Adam and the Last Adam in the Apostle Paul’s Anthropology",
pages = "1025-1007",
number = "4",
volume = "85",
url = "conv_357, https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rpbf_153"
Perić, P.,& Radić, D.. (2015). Dijalektika »prvoga Adama« i »posljednjega Adama« u antropologiji apostola Pavla. in Bogoslovska smotra
University of Zagreb., 85(4), 1007-1025.
Perić P, Radić D. Dijalektika »prvoga Adama« i »posljednjega Adama« u antropologiji apostola Pavla. in Bogoslovska smotra. 2015;85(4):1007-1025.
conv_357 .
Perić, Porfirije, Radić, Dragan, "Dijalektika »prvoga Adama« i »posljednjega Adama« u antropologiji apostola Pavla" in Bogoslovska smotra, 85, no. 4 (2015):1007-1025,
conv_357 .

Песма над песмама у егзегези Светог Григорија Ниског

Радић, Драган

(Универзитет у Београду - Православни богословски факултет, Београд, 2013)

AU  - Радић, Драган
PY  - 2013
UR  - https://rpbf.bfspc.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/95
AB  - Циљ рада је да у основним цртама укаже на то како је Песма над песмама ушла у канон старозаветних списа и како су је тумачили јеврејски равини и хришћански Очи егзегети. Посебан осврт је на егзегезу Светог Григорија Ниског, који је у 15 омилија протумачио Песму над песмама, и то дело се сматра једним од његових најзначајнијих дела али истовремено и најлепших мистичких дела светоотачког тумачења. У том делу Григорије Ниски брани алегоријски метод и види тајновито изображење духовног брака човекове душе и Цркве са небеским Жеником Христом.
AB  - The aim of this paper is to present, in an outline, how the Song of Solomon entered the canon of the Old Testament scriptures and how it was interpreted by Jewish rabbis and Christian exegete Fathers. Particular attention is given to the exegesis of St. Gregory of Nyssa, who interpreted the Song of Songs in fifteen homilies; his commentary is considered to be one of his most important works as well as one of the most beautiful mystical writings of Patristic interpretation. In this work Gregory of Nyssa defends the allegorical method and observes the mysterious image of the spiritual marriage of the soul and the Church with Christ, the heavenly Bridegroom.
PB  - Универзитет у Београду - Православни богословски факултет, Београд
T2  - Богословље
T1  - Песма над песмама у егзегези Светог Григорија Ниског
T1  - The Song of Songs in the exegesis of Saint Gregory of Nyssa
EP  - 40
IS  - 2
SP  - 22
VL  - 72
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rpbf_95
UR  - conv_69
ER  - 
author = "Радић, Драган",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Циљ рада је да у основним цртама укаже на то како је Песма над песмама ушла у канон старозаветних списа и како су је тумачили јеврејски равини и хришћански Очи егзегети. Посебан осврт је на егзегезу Светог Григорија Ниског, који је у 15 омилија протумачио Песму над песмама, и то дело се сматра једним од његових најзначајнијих дела али истовремено и најлепших мистичких дела светоотачког тумачења. У том делу Григорије Ниски брани алегоријски метод и види тајновито изображење духовног брака човекове душе и Цркве са небеским Жеником Христом., The aim of this paper is to present, in an outline, how the Song of Solomon entered the canon of the Old Testament scriptures and how it was interpreted by Jewish rabbis and Christian exegete Fathers. Particular attention is given to the exegesis of St. Gregory of Nyssa, who interpreted the Song of Songs in fifteen homilies; his commentary is considered to be one of his most important works as well as one of the most beautiful mystical writings of Patristic interpretation. In this work Gregory of Nyssa defends the allegorical method and observes the mysterious image of the spiritual marriage of the soul and the Church with Christ, the heavenly Bridegroom.",
publisher = "Универзитет у Београду - Православни богословски факултет, Београд",
journal = "Богословље",
title = "Песма над песмама у егзегези Светог Григорија Ниског, The Song of Songs in the exegesis of Saint Gregory of Nyssa",
pages = "40-22",
number = "2",
volume = "72",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rpbf_95, conv_69"
Радић, Д.. (2013). Песма над песмама у егзегези Светог Григорија Ниског. in Богословље
Универзитет у Београду - Православни богословски факултет, Београд., 72(2), 22-40.
Радић Д. Песма над песмама у егзегези Светог Григорија Ниског. in Богословље. 2013;72(2):22-40.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rpbf_95 .
Радић, Драган, "Песма над песмама у егзегези Светог Григорија Ниског" in Богословље, 72, no. 2 (2013):22-40,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rpbf_95 .