Durić, Grigorije

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  • Durić, Grigorije (1)
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Fraternity in Humanity and Global Mental Health

Durić, Grigorije; Milićević, Vukašin

(NLM (Medline), 2021)

AU  - Durić, Grigorije
AU  - Milićević, Vukašin
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://rpbf.bfspc.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/270
AB  - From the historical point of view, the concept of mental health is both in positive and negative terms very much intertwined with religion. We might say that, up to the modern age, there was no other treatment of what we now know as mental illnesses apart from the one offered by religion. Of course, in many cases superstition and brutality prevailed (they always come together, indeed); but, again, we may still look into religious tradition and find many inspiring examples that might help us solve some important problems regarding the mental health issues. The most important ones are, we find, those connected with interpersonal and social context of both their etiology and treatment. Following this line of thinking, we have selected two well-known texts from the New Testament in order to offer an interpretation of them which might answer some questions that we find are fundamentally important for dealing with such a broad theme regarding the relation between religious teachings and mental health.
PB  - NLM (Medline)
T2  - Psychiatria Danubina
T1  - Fraternity in Humanity and Global Mental Health
EP  - 866
IS  - suppl. 4
SP  - 862
VL  - 33
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rpbf_270
UR  - conv_349
ER  - 
author = "Durić, Grigorije and Milićević, Vukašin",
year = "2021",
abstract = "From the historical point of view, the concept of mental health is both in positive and negative terms very much intertwined with religion. We might say that, up to the modern age, there was no other treatment of what we now know as mental illnesses apart from the one offered by religion. Of course, in many cases superstition and brutality prevailed (they always come together, indeed); but, again, we may still look into religious tradition and find many inspiring examples that might help us solve some important problems regarding the mental health issues. The most important ones are, we find, those connected with interpersonal and social context of both their etiology and treatment. Following this line of thinking, we have selected two well-known texts from the New Testament in order to offer an interpretation of them which might answer some questions that we find are fundamentally important for dealing with such a broad theme regarding the relation between religious teachings and mental health.",
publisher = "NLM (Medline)",
journal = "Psychiatria Danubina",
title = "Fraternity in Humanity and Global Mental Health",
pages = "866-862",
number = "suppl. 4",
volume = "33",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rpbf_270, conv_349"
Durić, G.,& Milićević, V.. (2021). Fraternity in Humanity and Global Mental Health. in Psychiatria Danubina
NLM (Medline)., 33(suppl. 4), 862-866.
Durić G, Milićević V. Fraternity in Humanity and Global Mental Health. in Psychiatria Danubina. 2021;33(suppl. 4):862-866.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rpbf_270 .
Durić, Grigorije, Milićević, Vukašin, "Fraternity in Humanity and Global Mental Health" in Psychiatria Danubina, 33, no. suppl. 4 (2021):862-866,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rpbf_270 .